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How to Co-Parent During Separation

Man sitting next to young boy reading book on a couch.

Becoming a newly single parent and having to take on some of the responsibilities of your children by yourself for the first time is hard. It’s also tough to co-parent with your ex if you’re separated and going through a divorce.

While we agree that parenting comes with its ups and downs regardless of your relationship status, we have tips for divorcing parents to adjust to co-parenting.

What Is Co-Parenting?

In order to build a solid co-parenting relationship with your ex, you should first understand what co-parenting is.

Co-parenting is when two parents work together as a team to raise their children. You don’t have to be married to co-parent and raise your kids together, but co-parenting usually refers to separated and divorced parents.

As you and your ex step into your roles as co-parenting, you should work on having a healthy co-parenting relationship during your separation.

How to Build a Healthy Co-Parenting Relationship?

No matter what your relationship status is, whether it be married, separated, or divorced, you can use these tips to help you and your ex focus on having a healthy co-parenting relationship for your children.

  • Communicate respectfully when you’re discussing your children.
  • Don’t argue with your ex in front of your kids.
  • Encourage your children to have a healthy relationship with your ex.
  • Create a set of rules for your kids and be consistent.
  • Use co-parenting apps for communication and your visitation schedule.
  • Be punctual by showing up for visitation on time and on all of your days.

These tips can take you far if you and your ex work together. If your ex doesn’t cooperate with your child custody and visitation order, or there is a reason your current order isn’t working for your family, then you should consult with an attorney.

New York City Child Custody and Visitation Attorneys

Our skilled attorneys at Eiges & Orgel, PLLC are dedicated to helping you get the results you need for the best possible co-parenting agreement for your children. We can help you create a child custody and visitation agreement or modify a current agreement you already have.

Contact our team today at (347) 848-1850 to schedule a consultation for your child custody case.
