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Prenups vs. Postnups: The Differences

Male hand pushing a wedding ring over to a female hand

Did you know that some of the more common months for marriages are around late spring and early summer? This beautiful time of the year is when many couples decide to tie the knot and progress their relationship. However, these couples may not consider signing a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement when getting married.

Eiges & Orgel, PLLC can help explain the differences between these agreements and which may be the best for your marriage.


Prenuptial agreements are signed before the marriage even takes place. The couple will take into account their assets and how they should be divided in the event of a divorce. Some individuals may feel as though hashing out these details before the wedding puts a damper on the relationship, signaling that a divorce or separation is inevitable. However, prenups can eliminate much of the heartache and stress associated with a divorce.


A postnuptial agreement is very similar to a prenuptial. The main difference here is when the agreements are made and signed. Postnups occur after the wedding has taken place. The courts will have to decide whether or not the agreement is valid and enforceable. Another key difference with postnuptial agreements is that you will have to take into account marital property.

What’s Best?

Divorce is not an easy experience for anyone involved. For that reason, having either a prenup or postnup in place is helpful, as it can eliminate some of the associated stressors of divorce. However, you may also want to keep in mind your property when choosing which route to take. A prenuptial agreement will allow you and your soon-to-be spouse to assess your assets as separate property, which can make the process a little more straightforward. However, it is best to have an agreement in place rather than none at all.

Need An Agreement In Place?

If you are getting married or have recently done so, it could benefit you both to put a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in place. The team at Eiges & Orgel, PLLC is ready to help. You can contact us at (347) 848-1850 for an initial consultation.
