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Job Searching After Divorce

Serious employer reading resumes of candidates for vacancy

A divorce brings about a lot of changes in life. Maybe you have been a stay-at-home parent for the past few years. Perhaps you have been working the same job for the past 15 years. But what happens when you or your spouse decide to file for a divorce? Sometimes, it means that you will re-enter the workforce or have to find a new job to adjust to a single income.

Eiges & Orgel, PLLC wants you to succeed after your divorce. We are here to provide tips for job searching after your separation.

Get Yourself Out There

When you are searching for employment or a new job after a divorce, don’t be afraid of getting yourself out there. A simple step you can take is creating a LinkedIn account. It will allow you to connect with friends, old employers, or any other potential references. You can also use the site as a tool to search for jobs. Consider creating business cards that give a brief explanation of your skill sets, handing them out when you find opportunities.

Don’t Set Limits

You may not find a job in your same career or one that you have experience in, and that is okay. Be open to any new opportunities that you might come across. Think about volunteering at organizations or looking into clubs or groups relevant to professionals. View these as networking opportunities.

Update Your Resume

Your resume is a critical component of your job application. When gearing up to search for jobs, take time to update your resume and edit it thoroughly. You don’t want to send off a document that has errors or does not accurately reflect your experiences. There are resume services online that can help you edit, as well as resources in local communities.

Have The Right Mindset

It is normal to experience rejection when applying for jobs. However, don’t let that stop you from pressing on. You can continue applying for jobs and perfecting your application, resume, and search for other opportunities. If you feel dejected or discouraged, reach out to someone that can help lift you up.

Compassionate Attorneys in NYC

You deserve an attorney that will compassionately fight for your needs, setting you up for success after your divorce. The team at Eiges & Orgel, PLLC is here to provide you with experienced legal guidance in your time of need. Give our team a call at (347) 848-1850 to schedule an initial consultation.
